Be-Entertainment has the distribution rights to the most striking format of Belgium’s current television season: ‘The Political Assembly’ (local title: Het Conclaaf). On air in the run up to the Belgian parliamentary elections to be held this week, the format challenges the biggest politicians in the country to convene for a full weekend of group debates, one-on-one ‘duels’ and personal confessions. All masks are guaranteed to come off on ‘The Political Assembly’.
Over the course of four weekly episodes aired in primetime on VTM on Thursday evenings, Flemish viewers are being treated to a huge dose of verbal fireworks, resulting in a phenomenal 48% market share (18-44, consolidated) for the three episodes that have already aired. This is more than double the channel’s average market share. The format received a lot of media attention in the run-up to the elections, as it featured all key politicians in an entirely new and unusual setting. They gather at a scenic castle for the weekend, to discuss their political viewpoints and confront each other on opposing opinions and policy. Without the presence of spin doctors we get beyond the political one-liners and watch the politicians show their true colors, both as passionate professionals, but also as real people.
‘The Political Assembly’ offers a rare peek beyond the layers of public speech and political dogmas. Spending the weekend together under one roof means there’s no escape from getting up close and personal, and sometimes getting to the bottom of long-lasting feuds. Will the politicians manage to find common ground and understanding in the face of the upcoming government elections and who will manage to win over the votes of the general public?
‘The Political Assembly’ is created and produced by Bargoens, led by well-known and renowned TV-maker Eric Goens.